Your welcome guide

Getting Started 👇

Step 1

Select a Trigger

Select something that you think is triggering your anxiety at the moment. You can either use the predefined options or create your own.

Step 2

Select a Symptom

Add some more detail to the way your feeling by selecting the physical sensations you’re experiencing.

Step 3

Start the Session

Hit the Start button to begin tracking your anxious moment. Timers are a great way to help you regain control of the anxiety you’re facing. Momentarily check back in to see how much time has passed. Remember these feelings do go away.

Step 4

Get AI Generated Tips

We use the triggers and symptoms to create highly contextual suggestions for ways to work through the panic and anxiety you’re experiencing.

Step 5

Reflect and Log

Each session is automatically documented in your profile at the top right. You can review prior anxious moments and keep track of them there.

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We're new to the world and looking for people to provide feedback and help us identify any bugs or things they wish the app did. Drop us a note below and we'll get back to you!

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The Anxiety Club app is currently free to use for everyone.

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